Located under an hour outside of Nashville, TN are 223 acres of prime land for anyone hoping to embark on a more natural lifestyle. Whether you've always dreamed of owning a flock of chickens or having a self-sufficient family compound, you'll discover a place for you in this homesteading community.
There are 19 lots available within Historic Pinewood Homesteads ranging from 5 acres to 15+ acres.
Homesteading in Hickman County
Pinewood is located in a thriving community with abundant resources for homesteaders and small farmers and a culture of self-sufficiency. The area has become a mecca for families interested in a more sustainable and resilient lifestyle.
Simple & straightforward building codes
Light permitting for building projects & less bureaucratic red tape
Supportive of small & home-based businesses
Community is experiencing a boom in rural tourism
The property at Historic Pinewood Homesteads is a blend of open rolling pastureland, ponds, and mature hardwood forest. The varying vegetation and terrain make the lots ideal for many different forms of agricultural and homestead uses including orchard/food forest horticulture, annual gardens, herb and nursery production, poultry, beekeeping, mushroom cultivation, small & large scale ruminant grazing, and aquaculture.